Reversible magnetization of high-Tcmaterials in intermediate fields

In high-Tc superconductors there exists a broad field domain, in which the reversible magnetization M is linear in the logarithm of the applied field Ha. The dependence M(lnHa) is obtained taking the strong uniaxial anisotropy into account. It is shown, that for an arbitrary orientation of the single crystal with respect to Ha the magnetization vector has a component normal to the applied field comparable to the usually measured component parallel to Ha. A procedure is suggested for extracting the value of the penetration depth from the linear part of M(lnHa). Being applied to the data available for Y1 Ba2 Cu3 O7, the method yields λ(TcT)12 near Tc up to temperatures (TcT)Tc103. This puts an upper bound upon the value of the temperature domain, in which the underlying mean-field theory is valid.