Large-angle proton and pion production in deep-inelastic electron scattering

We have measured ep, eπ+, and eπ coincidences for scattered electrons in the range Q2=0.4 to 2.2 GeV2 and W=2 to 4 GeV. We find (a) that vector-meson production decreases with Q2 more rapidly than does the total virtual-photon-plus-proton cross section, more rapidly even than the prediction of simple vector dominance, (b) that the slope of the t distribution in ρ and ω production becomes flatter with increasing Q2 and seems to be at least approximately a function of the single variable xρ=(Q2+mρ2)2Mν, (c) that the fraction of final states containing a proton decreases with increasing Q2, (d) that in the central region of longitudinal momenta the inclusive π+ yield seems to increase relative to the π yield as Q2 increases, and (e) that the average transverse momentum of π is greater than of π+ in the central region of longitudinal momenta.