A TEMin situstudy of dislocation glide in a III-V compound (InSb)

Several dislocation sources are observed, which emit screw and β-type 60° dislocations, submitted to a strong Peierls force, and much more rapid α-type 60° dislocations. The velocity of dislocations, and the corresponding local shear stress, have been measured in the vicinity of sources, at 180°C. For a constant local stress, the velocity of dislocations is proportional to their length (‘length effect’), with no indication of a maximum velocity in the investigated range. No significant difference can be detected between the velocity of screws and β dislocations, and no evidence of a possible effect of the electron beam can be found. The measurements are compared with results obtained in the same material by other techniques (particularly double etch pits) and with results obtained by the same technique in II-VI compounds.