Some Data on Urinary Stones which were Passed

Out of a group of 979 patients with urinary calculi, 175 had passed their stone(s). Comparison of data for stones which had been passed with data for the whole group shows many significant differences. Calculi composed entirely of calcium oxalate are more likely to be expelled than any other composition variety. The chance of this happening is 1 in 3 and it is even higher when the person is under 50 years of age. The probability of calculi composed of calcium oxalate+calcium phosphate being expelled is 1 in 5 and this also increases for younger patients. Infection stones consisting of calcium phosphate+struvite have only 1 in 19 chance of being passed. Many of the stones passed (130) are under 0.10 g in weight. However, there is a similar relationshp between composition and weight among both the stones that were passed and the whole group. In both groups, pure oxalate stones are the lightest, infection stones are the heaviest and stones composed of calcium phosphate and calcium phosphate+calcium oxalate are of intermediate weight.