Mercury in House Paint as a Cause of Acrodynia

IN 1948 Warkany and Hubbard1 indicted mercury ingestion as an etiologic factor in acrodynia. Other reports establishing mercury as the most important cause of acrodynia soon followed.2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Dimercaprol (BAL), which chelates mercury, was quickly introduced as a therapeutic agent in 1948 but has given variable results.6 , 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Edathamil calcium disodium (EDTA) when given for therapy of acrodynia did not significantly increase mercury excretion.16 Increased urinary elimination of mercury during penicillin therapy for infection has been observed,17 but the results of penicillin therapy in acrodynia have been equivocal.17 , 18 Aposhian19 , 20 has shown that N-acetyl-D,L-penicillamine is more effective than other penicillamine derivatives in protecting . . .