Respiratory changes in nasal muscle length

Respiratory changes in alae nasi muscle length were recorded using sonomicrometry in pentobarbital sodium-anesthetized tracheostomized dogs spontaneously breathing 100% O2. Piezoelectric crystals were inserted via small incisions into the alae nasi of 11 animals, and bipolar fine-wire electrodes were inserted contralaterally in nine of the same animals. The alae nasi shortened during inspiration in all animals. The mean amount of shortening was 1.33 +/- 0.22% of resting length (LR), and the mean velocity of shortening during the first 200 ms was 4.60 +/- 0.69% LR/S. The onset of alae nasi shortening preceded inspiratory flow by 77 +/- 18 ms (P less than 0.002), at which time both alae nasi shortening and the moving average of electromyographic (EMG) activity had reached approximately one-third of their peak values. In contrast, there was a relative delay in alae nasi relaxation relative to the decay of alae nasi EMG at the end of expiration. Single-breath airway occlusions at end expiration changed the normally rounded pattern of alae nasi shortening and moving average EMG to a late-inspiratory peaking pattern; both total shortening and EMG were increased by similar amounts. The onset of vagally mediated volume-related inhibition of alae nasi shortening occurred synchronously with the onset of inhibition of alae nasi EMG; both occurred at lung volumes substantially below tidal volume. These results indicate that the pattern of inspiratory shortening of this nasal dilating muscle is reflected closely in the pattern of EMG activity and that vagal afferents cause substantial inhibition of alae nasi inspiratory shortening.