Low-temperature specific heat of the metallic glasses FexNi80xP14B6 with x=0,20,40,60,80

The specific heat of amorphous FexNi80xP14B6 (for x=0,20,40,60,80) has been measured between 0.6 and 30 K. The dependence of ΘD(0), ΘD(T), and N(EF) on composition has been determined. In addition the paramagnetic sample (x=0) has a large temperature-independent contribution to the specific heat. The ferromagnetic samples (x=40,60,80) have spin-wave terms consistent with the results of Mössbauer and neutron-diffraction studies. The specific heat of the x=20 alloy shows an enhanced linear contribution as well as an exponential contribution at low temperatures raising questions as to its magnetic state.