The RNA Content and the Amino Acid-RNA Incorporating System in the Lenses of Various Species

Recent experiments in this laboratory have demonstrated an active amino acid-RNA incorporating system in the rat lens.1,2 This system is apparently much more active in the lens than in the liver of this animal. These studies were extended to other animal species in an attempt to determine whether there is any relationship between the level of RNA in the lens and the degree of incorporation of amino acids into RNA in this organ. Materials and Methods The human and bovine lenses were obtained within 1 hour after death while the lenses from the other species were removed immediately after the animals were killed. All the lenses were carefully blotted on filter paper, individually weighed, and homogenized in Dounce microhomogenizers.3 The methods employed in studying the amino acid-RNA incorporating system have been described in other communications.1,2 Since cobalt causes a 15-20-fold increase in the activity of this system,