On the Analysis of MolecularII3States with Application to AlH, OH+, and BH

The molecular constants λ, B, D for the II3 states of BH, AlH, and OH+ have been calculated by the method of Gilbert, based on Van Vleck's solution of the case of intermediate coupling, but including a more accurate consideration of the rotational D terms. A graphical method of obtaining λ has also been developed based on Budó's series expansion solution of the Hill and Van Vleck energy equation for the intermediate II3 state. A graph shows, for a given K, the variation in multiplet splitting as the coupling constant λ is varied from -8 to +10. Graphs are plotted for K=2,3,4,5, and application is made to the II3 states of BH, AlH, OH+ and NH. New data for AlH for lines with K less than 6 are given. A comparison of corresponding electronic ls coupling coefficients in molecule and atom is made.