Synedoida Mucronata, n. s.Eyes naked, lashed. Labial palpi with long cylindrical narrow third joint; second joint heavily scaled. Abdomen untufted. Of an inconspicuous fuscous or brownish gray, sprinkled with pale points, markings all concolorous with the wing. The t. p. line is brown and distinct at costa, forming a strong tooth opposite cell, below this it is rounded over median nervules and fainter. Sub-terminal line straight, distinct, even, brown, and well marked. Reniform concolorous, constricted, with pale edging. T. a. line even, slightly arched. A terminal dentate line; fringes brownish. Hind wings sub-pellucid, irridescent whitish, with soiled veins, with vague brownish borders, beneath with dark dots on primaries, which become a clouded spot. Body brownish gray. This species has the form of Mr. Morrison's Tœniocampa vegeta, but is of an ochrey fuscous gray, not at all reddish, or brown with a red tinge. Arizona. Coll. B. Neumoegen, Esq. Expanse 33 mil. Tibiæ apparently unarmed.