Performance of sows first mated at puberty or second or third oestrus, and carcass assessment of once-bred gilts

SUMMARY: 1. Of 80 gilts reared on a restricted plane of nutrition, 75 were allocated to one of four groups. Group 1; 17 gilts mated at puberty were slaughtered after farrowing their first litter. Group 2; 20 gilts mated at puberty were observed for three parities. Group 3; 18 gilts mated at second oestrus were observed for three parties. Group 4; 18 gilts mated at third oestrus were observed for three parities. Group 5; nine additional gilts reared on feed ad libitum and mated at first oestrus were observed for three parities. All animals received the same ration after the first mating.2. The mean age (±SD) of the restricted gilts at puberty was 186 ± 17 days at a weight of 89 ± 9 kg. The gilts fed ad libitum were significantly (P<0·01) older and heavier at puberty (203 ± 15 days and 120 ± 27 kg).3. Conception rates were 83, 86, 94 and 82% for Groups 1 and 2 combined, 3, 4 and 5 respectively.4. Gilts mated at first, second and third oestrus produced, respectively, 7·8, 9·8 and 10·4 ± 2·2 piglets in the first parity. Group 5 gilts had 11·0 ± 2·2 piglets. All significant differences were confined to the first parity.5. By the end of the third parity there were no differences between the restricted gilts mated at first, second or third oestrus in total number of piglets born or reared.6. The gilts slaughtered (at 135 kg) after producing one litter yielded carcasses which were heavier but leaner than those from contemporary maiden gilts grown to 120 kg on a semi-restricted feeding scale.