Expression of Protein HC on the Plasma Membrane of Different Human Cell Types

The surface expression of a recently described plasma glycoprotein called human complex-forming glycoprotein, heterogeneous in charge (protein HC) on a number of different human cell types was investigated. By means of direct and indirect immunofluoresence, protein HC was shown to be associated with the surface of virtually all cells of the investigated normal cell types including erythrocytes, peripheral blood B and T lymphocytes, and the human fibroblast lines HE 81, HE 31, and WI 38. When transformed and malignant cell populations were studied, it was found that some populations (e.g., the T cell line Molt-4) carried protein HC on the surfaces of very few cells, whereas other cell populations (e.g., chronic lymphocytic leukemia lymphocytes) carried the protein on most cells. Malignant cell populations with intermediary percentages of protein HC-positive cells were also found. Protein HC on the cell surface of normal peripheral blood lymphocytes could be redistributed by incubation of the cells with anti-protein HC-antiserum at 37°C, and this reaction could be inhibited by sodium azide.