Electron Microscopic Study on the Structure of TinO2n-1 (4≤n≤10) Phases

Transmission electron microscopy and diffraction study of the homologous series of oxides Ti n O2n-1 (4≤n≤10) reveals that the structures of these oxides are derived from rutile by regular crystallographic shear on planes parallel to (121), as previously suggested by Andersson and Jahnberg (Arkiv Kemi. 21 (1963) 413). Electron microscope images clearly show microstructures. Micro-twin structures of fine scale are observed very often for specimens with n≥7 but never detected when n≤6. The interface plane of the twin bands is parallel to the (200) r in most cases, although the twin structure with the interface plane (002) r or (020) r is seen occasionally. A mode of two phase mixture for the specimen in the two phase region is clarified.