Propagation of Electromagnetic Waves in a Degenerate Neutrino Sea

The propagation of electromagnetic waves in a Fermi sea of neutrinos is investigated on the basis of the photon-neutrino weak-coupling theory and is compared with the result obtained by Royer on the basis of the (eν)(eν) coupling. It is shown that a photon propagating through the neutrino sea satisfies a dispersion relation of the form ω2=ω02+k2c2, where (ω0)26.2×1023 EF2, EF being the Fermi energy of the sea. Finally, some remarks are made as to the possibility of the destruction of a photon when propagating through the sea due to the process γ+νν+ν+ν¯. It is found that the mean free path corresponding to this process is ≈ 1069 cm, much larger than the radius of the universe.