Serial Cholecystography

Biliary dyskinesia may be defined as a disorder of the motility of the biliary tract. That biliary dyskinesia is a frequent occurrence is shown by the fact that out of 200 consecutive operations for biliary tract disorders performed during the years from October, 1954, to December, 1956, a dyskinesia was found in 126 cases. These figures show that the condition is of considerable clinical importance, and every effort should therefore be made to establish its presence. As long ago as 1868 Heidenhain, in Breslau, measured the pressure of bile within the biliary tract, and in 1888 Oddi attributed the maintenance of the pressure to the tone of the common duct sphincter, which now bears his name. It was not until 1917 that Meltzer, followed by Berg in 1922, suggested that functional disturbances of the biliary tract might cause a biliary stasis. In the following year, 1923, Westphal described a hypokinetic