Deuterium Isotope Effect in the Reaction of Hydrogen Molecules with Chlorine Atoms and the Potential Energy of the H2Cl Transition Complex

The relative rates of reaction of H2 and HD with chlorine atoms have been measured over the temperature range of 243–350°K. In this temperature interval, the ratio of the second‐order rate constants, R=kH2/ΣkHD, is equal to (1.24∓0.03) exp (490±6/RT). A search was made for HD after an unequilibrated mixture of H2 and D2 was half converted to hydrogen chloride by photochemical reaction with Cl2. From the failure to detect 0.02% HD in the unreacted hydrogen, a lower limit is set for the ratio of the rate constants of the reactions H+Cl2 lim k16HCl+Cl and H+HCl lim k17H2+Cl. It is shown that the pre‐exponential factors in R for the HD experiments and in the analogous experiments on HT are in quantitative agreement with theoretical calculations for either linear or triangular transition states, subject to the sole restriction that k(HD+Cl→HCl+D) is approximately equal to k(HD+Cl→DCl+H). An intercomparison is made between the experimental difference in activation energies between H2, HD, HT, and D2 for reaction with chlorine atoms and theoretical calculations for linear and triangular transition states. With the most favorable potential function for H2Cl, the maximum deviation between ΔEexp‡ and ΔEtheor‡ is fifteen percent. Inasmuch as there are more experimental data than parameters necessary to construct the potential function of H2Cl, the agreement between theory and experiment constitutes a positive test of the transition state formulation of the effect of isotopic substitution on the rates of chemical reactions.