The members of the nematode genus Rhabdias present many features of great interest to the parasitologist. They are usually found inhabiting the lungs of amphibians and reptiles where their eggs or larvæ are produced. They have the general appearance of females and are either hermaphroditic or parthenogenetic in function (vide Goldschmidt, 1923, p. 176, on “Unisexual Monœcism”). Seurat (1920), p. 121, considers that the parasitic forms of R. dujardini and R. entomelas from the Slow worm Anguis fragilis are parthenogenetic females and not protandrous hermaphrodites because they lay an enormous number of eggs, whereas the hermaphroditic forms produce comparatively few eggs. Moreover, in R. entomelas he has been unable to find either receptacula seminis or spermatozoa.