Infrared spectra of powdered samples of Mg2SiO4 (olivine) and γ‐Ca2SiO4 (space group D2h16, Z + 4 ) were measured at liquid‐N2 and liquid‐He temperature between 1200 and 20 cm−1. The low‐temperature spectra do not show noticeable band sharpening. Using a simple force field with five stretching‐type force constants and symmetry‐adapted coordinates, a normal‐coordinate analysis is carried out for both crystal compounds. It is shown that satisfactory agreement between observed band frequencies and normal frequencies may be obtained through few iteration cycles. A number of features of the conventionally used group‐vibration approach are confirmed by the normal‐coordinate result, which in turn leads to a complete and fairly detailed assignment of the olivine‐type infrared absorption spectra.