Modelling a helicopter rotor’s response to wake encounters

In recent years, various strategies for the concurrent operation of fixed-and rotary-wing aircraft have been proposed as a means of increasing airport capacity. Some of these strategies will increase the likelihood of encounters with the wakes of aircraft operating nearby. Several studies now exist where numerical simulations have been used to assess the impact of encounters with the wakes of large transport aircraft on the safety of helicopter operations under such conditions. This paper contrasts the predictions of several commonly-used numerical simulation techniques when each is used to model the dynamics of a helicopter rotor during the same idealised wake encounter. In most previous studies the mutually-induced distortion of the wakes of the rotor and the interacting aircraft has been neglected, yielding the so-called ‘frozen vortex’ assumption. This assumption is shown to be valid only when the helicopter encounters the aircraft wake at high forward speed. At the low forward speeds most relevant to near-airfield operations, however, injudicious use of the frozen vortex assumption may lead to significant errors in predicting the severity of a helicopter’s response to a wake encounter.