Enzyme‐linked immunosorbent assay for detection of enteric adenovirus 41

An enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for direct detection of enteric adenovirus 41 (Ad41) in stool specimens was developed and compared with an Ad40-specific ELISA described previously [Johansson et al, 1980]. Rabbit antiserum to Ad41 was obtained by immunization with purified virions. To eliminate genus-specific reactivity the serum was passed through an immunosorbent column containing soluble adenovirus components of members of subgenera A to E. The anti-Ad41 serum still displayed high reactivity against Ad40 and had to be immunoabsorbed with soluble virus components of Ad40 to be rendered type-specific. The absorbed antiserum was used in an indirect ELISA and proved to be specific for Ad41. No heterotypic reactivity against Ad40 or Ad1 through Ad35 was found. The Ad41-specific ELISA proved to be of equal sensitivity to electron microscopy. The type-specific ELISAs for Ad40 and Ad41 were evaluated by testing 76 stool specimens containing enteric adenoviruses originating from England and Scandinavia. All specimens could be typed-41 (54%) as Ad40 and 35 (46%) as Ad41. These results were confirmed by DNA restriction site analysis. The type-specific ELISA proved to be a specific, sensitive, and a rapid technique for detection of Ad41 and allowed clear-cut discrimination from Ad40 in clinical specimens.