Comparing Stroke Incidence Worldwide

Comparing stroke rates in different parts of the world and at different points in time may increase our understanding of the disease. Comparisons are only meaningful if they are based on studies that use similar definitions, methods, and data presentation. We discuss the criteria that make such studies comparable, drawing on the experiences of recent studies performed around the world. If only those studies that fulfill the proposed criteria for comparison are considered, comparable data do not exist for vast areas of the world, including Africa, Asia, and South America. The importance of complete, community-based case ascertainment, including strokes managed outside the hospital, is emphasized. An approach for measuring and comparing the incidence of the pathological types of stroke (cerebral infarction, primary intracerebral hemorrhage, and subarachnoid hemorrhage) and subtypes of cerebral infarction is suggested. The "ideal" stroke incidence study does not exist, but studies closely approaching it will reveal the most reliable and comparable results. There is a need for further studies to fill the gaps in our knowledge of the worldwide incidence of stroke, particularly for developing countries.