Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, Magnetic Susceptibility, and Lattice Constants of Solid and Liquid AuGa2, Au0.95Pd0.05Ga2, and AuIn2

We report measurements of the magnetic susceptibility, Knight shift, and nuclear spin-lattice relaxation rates in the pure compounds AuGa2 and AuIn2 and an alloy of nominal composition Au0.95 Pd0.05 Ga2. Measurements were made in both the solid and liquid states over a temperature range from 4.2 to 1100 K. Lattice constants were measured from 4.2 to 300 K for AuAl2, AuIn2, and Au0.95 Pd0.05 Ga2 and to 715 K for AuGa2. The susceptibilities, Ga Knight shifts, and magnetic relaxation rates of AuGa2 and Au0.95 Pd0.05 Ga2 exhibit complex temperature dependences which, with the exception of the Knight shift, continue to the vicinity of the melting point. The Knight shifts become constant above 400 K. At low temperatures the Knight shifts and relaxation rates in Au0.95 Pd0.05 Ga2 are strongly enhanced relative to AuGa2, but the alloy data converge to those of the pure compound as the temperature increases. The changes in magnetic properties at the melting point are small compared with their temperature-dependent variations in the solid state. Lattice-constant data for AuGa2 and AuIn2 suggest anomalous thermal-expansion behavior for these compounds below 100 K. The magnetic properties of AuIn2 exhibit comparatively weak temperature dependence over the entire temperature range covered. We propose a phenomenological explanation for these results in terms of temperature-dependent modification of the electronic structure toward an essentially free-electron situation in the solid near the melting point.