Structure-activity relationships of recombinant human interleukin 2

Structure-activity relationships of recombinant human interleukin 2 were investigated by preparation, purification, and characterization of 21 missense mutants. A key role for residue Phe42 in the high-affinity interaction with receptor was indicated by (a) the reduction of 5-10-fold in binding affinity and bioactivity upon mutation of this residue to Ala and (b) the lack of evidence for conformational perturbation in Phe42 .fwdarw. Ala in comparison with the wild-type protein as investigated by intrinsic fluorescence, second-derivative UV spectroscopy, electrophoresis, and reversed-phase HPLC, suggesting that the drop in binding is a direct effect of removal of the aromatic ring. In contrast, the conservative mutations Phe42 .fwdarw. Tyr and Phe42 .fwdarw. Trp did not cause significant reductions in bioactivity. UV and fluorescence spectra indicated approximately 60% overall exposure to solvent of tyrosines in the wild-type molecule, the tryptophan (residue 121) being buried; fluorescence data also showed that Trp42 in Phe42 .fwdarw. Trp is likely to be within 1 nm of Trp 121 and about 50% exposed to solvent. Phe44 .fwdarw. Ala, Cys105 .fwdarw. Ala, and Trp 121 .fwdarw. Tyr also exhibited reduced bioactivity, but these mutants are conformationally perturbed relative to wild type. None of the remaining mutants had detectably reduced bioactivity, even though several showed signs of altered conformation. Four mutants were recovered in very low yield, probably because of defective refolding.