An equation is derived for the sedimentation equilibrium of (colloidal or macromolecular) particles with hard‐sphere interparticle potential in a low‐molecular weight solvent, in the Percus–Yevick and Carnahan–Starling approximation. The concentration–distance profile has a sigmoidal shape. It is shown that the turbidity of the mixture shows a maximum at the inflection point of this profile, a phenomenon that is sometimes observed in practice. The treatment is subsequently extended to a p‐component mixture of hard spheres (HS) with different HS diameters. First, the explicit role of the low‐molecular weight solvent is removed and the sedimentation differential equation is expressed in terms of partial derivatives (∂ρi/∂μj)μ; i,j=1,...,p, where ρi is the particle number density of i and μj the chemical potential of j. This partial derivative measures the susceptibility of δρi to variations in a weak external (centrifugal) field working on species j and is expressed as an integral over the total correlation function hij(r) via a relation of Yvon. Second, the sedimentation equation is expressed in terms of matrices containing (∂μi/∂ρi)ρ, each connected with an integral over the direct correlation function cij(r). Third, Baxter’s factorization of the direct correlation matrix is used to derive a new sedimentation equation, also in factorized form, containing matrices with elements Qij, which have a simpler mathematical structure than the derivatives ∂μi/∂ρj in some theories. It turns out that for hard spheres treated in the Percus–Yevick approximation these Q matrices reduce to simple, closed expressions even for a p‐component HS mixture. This leads to p differential equations for the concentration profiles that must be solved numerically. Finally a closed expression is given for (∂ρi/∂μk)μ in the Percus–Yevick approximation (compressibility version).

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