Production of the 1385-MeV (Y1*)0 in 1.5-BeV/c πp Interactions

The reaction 1.508-BeV/c π+pK0+Λ+π0 has been studied in a spark chamber experiment; 127 events of this type were obtained. The reaction is dominated by production of the (Y1*)0, with parameters M0=1381±4 MeV, Γ=30±9 MeV. The differential cross section for production of the (Y1*)0 is (6.3±0.9)×[1+(0.15±0.27)cosθ(0.35±0.38)cos2θ] μb/sr; the total production cross section is (70±11) μb. Decay distributions of this resonance, assuming S and P waves in the production, are consistent with spin 32, favoring it over spin 52 with a likelihood ratio of 101.