(α, αγ) Angular Correlation Studies of Some Excited States in Mg24, Mg26, and Si28

A number of states in Si28, Mg26, and Mg24 have been studied using the (α, αγ) reaction and the angular correlation method-II geometry of Litherland and Ferguson. In Si28, spin and parity assignments of 1, (6+), and 1 are made to the 7.38-, 8.51-, and 8.94-MeV states, respectively. The 4.90-MeV state in Mg26 is assigned Jπ=4+. Earlier Jπ assignments to the 3 6.88-, 2+ 7.41-, and 2+ 7.93-MeV states in Si28, and the 1 8.44-, 2+ 9.00-, and 1 9.15-MeV states in Mg24 are confirmed, as is an earlier value of the multipolarity mixing ratio of the 2.94→1.81 γ-ray transition in Mg26.