Dynamics of the CS2–O2 flame

The kinetics of the CS2–O2 flame for laser applications is described by a computer program (utilizing 24 contributing reactions) allowing vibrationally excited CO to be created from CS + O. The validity of individual contributing rate coefficients has been established through a comparison with experimental evidence on the oxidation of CS2. [K. H. Homann, G. Krome, and H. Wagner, Ber. Bunsenges. Phys. Chem. 74, 654, (1970); K. H. Homann, G. Krome, and H. Wagner, Ber. Bunsenges. Phys. Chem. 72, 998, (1968); K. H. Homann, G. Krome, and H. Wagner, Ber. Bunsenges. Phys. Chem. 73, 967 (1969)]. Induction time, reaction time, and vibrational energy produced in CO are presented as functions of the initial amount of atomic oxygen so that a comparison can be made between the effects of predissociation, as by an electric discharge, and the formation of atomic oxygen in the chemical chain. The inclusion of simple mixing and heat loss at the boundary in an aerodynamic/thermodynamic mass flow environment has provided a fit with published thermal data [C. Wittig, J. C. Hassler, and P. D. Coleman, J. Chem. Phys. 55, 5524 (1971)] for an operating CS2 – O2 laser. The computer program was used to verify simpler kinetic models for specific cases, for example, a four reaction model: (1) CS2 + O → CS + SO, (2) CS + O → CO + S, (3) S + O2 → SO + O, (4) SO + O2 → SO2 + O to describe the CS2–O2 flame under conditions where a chain reaction is required. Also, the production of vibrationally excited CO at diluent pressures up to 50 torr was found to be adequately described by only Reactions (1)‐(3) for input ratios of CS2/O ≃ 1.

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