Neptunium Isotopes: 234, 235, 236

Neptunium isotopes of mass numbers 234, 235, and 236 were produced by an 18-Mev deuteron bombardment of uranium highly enriched in U235. The radiations of Np235 were studied with scintillation and proportional counters in singles and coincidence. The LK and ML electron capture branching ratios of Np235 were measured to be 36.7 and 0.46, respectively. From the LK ratio, the calculated decay energy of Np235 is 123 kev. An upper limit of 2.1% of the Np235 electron capture disintegrations populate excited states of U235. The experimental data favor a spin of 52 for Np235. The alpha to electron capture ratio for Np235 is 1.59×105, giving a partial alpha half-life of 7.0×104 years. The long-lived isomer of Np236 was produced in the bombardment, but no isomer of Np234 with half-life longer than two months was observed in a mass spectrometer analysis of the neptunium sample.