Hadron spectroscopy in a flux-tube quark model

Color-magnetic interactions (one-gluon exchange) are incorporated into a semirelativistic quark model and the spectra of ground states and orbital and radial excitations of light mesons, light baryons, charmonium, and b-quarkonium are calculated by treating the magnetic splitting exactly by variational methods. The πρ splitting is fit and the NΔ splitting is predicted in excellent agreement with experiment. In general, spin-spin and tensor splittings among light mesons and light baryons are calculated in good agreement with experiment. The splittings in heavy-meson spectroscopy are also predicted accurately, including the P-wave states of charmonium and b-quarkonium. Some problems and limitations of the quark-model description of the light mesons and baryons are emphasized. Spin-orbit splittings in the light mesons and P-wave baryon multiplets are calculated, but a unified understanding of the systematics is not obtained. Radial excitations in the meson and baryon systems are generally in error by 100-150 MeV, and the systematics are not understood.