The importance of the etiologic point of view in the study of disordered behavior is stressed. The depressive spells characterizing the manic-depressive type of mood cycle are given specific consideration. It is emphasized that the depressive spell has a hidden meaning. It is a desperate cry for love[long dash]for the love of the mother. But this effort to reinstate himself into the loving care of the mother involves severe intrapsychic conflict. "In his dependent craving the patient is torn between coercive rage and submissive fear, and thus strives to achieve his imaginary purpose, that of regaining the mother''s love, by employing two conflicting methods at the same time." The inclination of the therapist is to treat the depressed patient with overwhelming kindness but this course may lead to further despair if rage is the stronger of the 2 opposed components operating within the patient. The psychodynamics of shock treatment are discussed.