New developments in the image reconstruction procedures for electron microscopy proposed by us are reported here. Reconstruction procedures with visible light for complex functions are described. In one variant of the procedure bright field micrographs for various tilting of the primary beam are combined. It is shown that in this case a further increase in resolution by a factor of 2 and simultaneous improvement in depth of focus are attainable. The depth of focus is at least equivalent to that of a normal instrument working with a wavelength of λ/4. It is shown that zone correction plates can be used in the microscope according to the same principle. The higher resolution improves the discrimination between heavy and light atoms with the aid of anomalous scattering. The discrimination by anomalous scattering is compared with that attainable by elastic-inelastic scattering (in Crewe's Scanning Microscope) at various resolutions. Some preliminary experiments have been done.