NMR study of the quasi-reorientational dynamics of Li ions in KTaO3:Li

Measurements of static quadrupole effects on the NMR spectrum and of nuclear spin-lattice relaxation both in the laboratory frame, T11, and in the rotating frame, T1ρ1, are reported for Li7, K39, and Ta181 nuclei in KTaO3:Li mixed crystals as a function of Li concentration and of temperature. The aim of the present investigation is to clarify the role of the Li dynamics in the low-temperature phase transition, which has been ascribed either to a dipole-glass-type condensation or to a ferroelectric transition. Both the quadrupole splitting of the Li7 NMR spectrum and the T11 of Li7 and K39 versus T indicate that for all concentrations investigated, the Li-dipole dynamics is dominated by thermally activated hopping among off-center positions displaced by 1.26 Å along the [100] directions. The Li7 T1ρ1-versus-T data and the disappearance of the Ta181 NMR signal indicate, instead, that a small degree of preferential orientation develops even at high temperature and that it decays on a much longer time scale than the thermally activated hopping. No anomaly in either T11 or in the spectrum is observed for Li7 and K39 at the transition temperature. However, a tetragonal distortion with (ca)a<0.007 is still consistent with the data. Finally a detailed account is given for the nonexponential recovery of the Li7 nuclear magnetization in presence of spin-lattice and spin-spin interactions of the same order of magnitude and for the expression of the correlation function in presence of the postulated two—time-scale Li dynamics.