Action Spectra for Photosystems I and II in Formaldehyde Fixed Algae

Action spectra were obtained for photosystems I and II in chemically fixed algal cells and for photosystem I in unfixed lysozyme treated cells. Untreated algal cells yielded neither of the 2 light reactions with the reaction mixtures used. The action spectra for photosystem I in the blue-green alga Anacystis nidulans and red alga Porphyridium cruentum follow the absorption spectrum of chlorophyll a with a small peak in the region of the accessory pigments. In the green alga Chlorella pyrenoidosa the photosystem I action spectrum follows the absorption spectrum of chlorophyll a. Photosystem II action spectra in A. nidulans and P. cruentum follow the absorption spectra of the accessory pigments while that in C. pyrenoidosa is shifted slightly toward the blue spectral region. These results provide additional evidence that formaldehyde fixed cells are valid models for studying the light reactions of photosynthesis.