Flooding for reliable multicast in multi-hop ad hoc networks

Ad HOC Networks are gaining popu1arit.y as a result of advances in smaller, more versatile and powerful mobile comput,ing devices. The dist,inguishing feat,ure of these networks is the universal mobility of all host.s. This re- quires re-engineering of basic nebwork services including reliable multicast, communication. This paper considers t,he special case of highly mo- bile fast,-moving ad hoc net.works and argues that, for such networks, t,raditional multicast approaches are not appropriat,e. Flooding is suggested as a possible alt,er- native for reliable multicast and simulation results are used t,o illust.rate it.s effects. The experimental results also demonstrate a rather interest,ing outcome that even flooding is insufficient. for reliable multicast in ad hoc networks when mobility is very high. Some alternative, more persistent variations of flooding are sketched out.

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