Active and passive Ca2+ fluxes across cell membranes of the guinea-pig taenia coli

The exchange of Ca between the extracellular fluid and the cellular compartment has been investigated in smooth muscle cells of taenia coli. It was found that during the initial phase of metabolic depletion by DNP+IAA, the net inwards flux of Ca amounts to 0.02 pmol cm−2·sec−1. This increase might be proportional to the physiological calcium leak. The study of the relation between the inwardly directed Na gradient and the cellular Ca content has revealed that this Na gradient exerts no effect during prolonged exposure to K-free solution and a very limited effect during exposure to Na-deficient solutions. The cellular45Ca release induced by metabolic inhibition is not affected by substituting Li or choline for Na. The supplementary calcium which enters the cells during exposure to a solution at low temperature is extruded on returning to a solution at 35°C, even if the Na gradient is reversed. This finding and the effects of metabolic inhibition indicate that Ca extrusion in smooth muscle cells is a process which depends on metabolism and which is not affected by the inwardly directed Na gradient.

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