Shock-wave structure and intermolecular collision laws

The nonlinear Boltzmann equation has been solved for shock waves in a Max-wellian gas for eight upstream Mach numbers M1 ranging from 1·1 to 10. The numerical solutions were obtained by using Nordsieck's method, which was revised for use with the differential cross-section corresponding to an intermolecular force potential following an inverse fifth-power law. The accuracy of the calculations of microscopic and macroscopic properties for this collision law is comparable with that for elastic spheres published earlier (Hicks, Yen & Reilly 1972).We have made comparisons of the detailed characteristics of the internal shock structure in a Maxwellian gas with those in a gas of elastic spheres. The purpose of this comparative study is to find the shock properties that are sensitive as well as those which are insensitive to the change in collision law and to find effective ways to study them.The variation of thermodynamic and transport properties of interest with respect to density and to each other was found to depend only weakly on the change in collision law. The principal effect on the macroscopic shock structure due to the change in intermolecular potential is in the spatial variation of the macroscopic properties. The spatial variation of macroscopic properties may be determined accurately from the corresponding moments of the collision integral, especially in the upstream and downstream wings of the shock wave. The results for the velocity distribution function exhibit the microscopic shock characteristics influenced by a difference in intermolecular collisions, in particular the departure from equilibrium in the upstream wing of the shock and the relaxation towards equilibrium in the downstream wing. The departure of several characteristics of weak shock waves from those of the Chapman-Enskog linearized theory and the Navier-Stokes shock is also insensitive to the change in collision law. The deviation of the half-width of the function ∫fdvyduz from the Chapman-Enskog first iterate at M1 = 1·59 is in agreement with an experiment (Muntz & Harnett 1969).