Superlattice Structure Observation for (AlAs)1/2(GaAs)1/2 Grown on (001) Vicinal GaAs Substrates

(AlAs)1/2(GaAs)1/2 fractional-layer superlattices with a new periodicity, perpendicular to the growth direction, are grown by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) on (001) GaAs substrates, slightly misoriented towards [1̄10]. The periodic structure in the lateral [1̄10] direction is observed by high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The superlattice image is clearly observed, and the superlattice periods are almost uniform everywhere. The results show that monolayer steps are ordered and equidistant from each other. These monolayer step ordering mechanisms are explained using the kinetic equation for terrace width.