A method for the extraction of plant nucleic acids and their separation on methyl -ated-serum-albumin-kieselguhr columns is described. It is demonstrated that the characteristics of the elution profiles of material from the same source are consistently reproducible. Major dissimilarities were found in the elution profiles of nucleic acids from root and from leaves of Vicia faba L. These dissimilarities were confirmed by polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis. Four distinct types of low-molecular-weight RNA were demonstrated to be present in leaves, clearly distinguished by their behavior when chromato-graphed on methylated-serum-albumin-kieselguhr columns. Both cytoplasmic and chloroplast ribosomes contained a low-molecular-weight RNA, and these components were distinct from each other. The chloroplast possessed a unique "soluble" RNA (i.e. RNA that is not precipitated by centrifugal forces that sediment ribosomes) which was not present in the rest of the cell. A soluble component, probably transfer RNA, was found in both the chloroplasts and in the cytoplasm. The components distinguishable by methylated-serum-albumin-kieselguhr column chromatography could not be distinguished by sucrose-density-gradient centrifugation.