(1) Eighteen cases of extra-adrenal neuroblastoma out of a total of 35 cases of neuroblastoma have been featured because of their better prognosis. (2) Factors affecting 5 year survival in extra-adrenal neuroblastoma are age at presentation and the extent of disease. (3) Radiation therapy is the most important modality in achieving the high cure rate in extra-adrenal neuroblastomas. (4) The role of surgery is mainly ancillary, since the extra-adrenal neuroblastoma is almost invariably only partially resectable or nonresectable. Tumor extent at surgical exploration guides the clinical staging and assists in determining radiation treatment fields. Biopsy enables establishment of a histopathologic diagnosis. (5) It is too early to know what impact chemotherapy will have in these neoplasms, but as with radiation therapy, sequelae must be reckoned with and management geared to avoid complications. (6) Problems in roentgenologic diagnosis and management and the importance of biochemical tests of urine catecholamines are discussed.