This paper is a study of the percolation problem with long-range correlations in the site or bond occupations. An extension of the Harris criterion for the relevance of the correlations is derived for the case that the correlations decay as xa for large distances x.. For a<d the correlations are relevant if aν2<0 (where ν is the percolation correlation-length exponent), while for a>d the correlations are relevant if dν2<0.. Applying this criterion to the behavior that results when the correlations are relevant, we argue that the new behavior will have νlong=2a.. It is shown that the correlated bond percolation problem is equivalent to a q-state Potts model with quenched disorder in the limit q1.. With the use of this result, a renormalization-group study of the problem is presented, expanding in ε=6d and in δ=4a.. In addition to the normal percolation fixed point, we find a new long-range fixed point. The crossover to this new fixed point follows the extended Harris criterion, and the fixed point has exponents νlong=2a (as predicted) and ηlong=111(δε). Finally, several results on the percolation properties of the Ising model at its critical point are shown to be in agreement with the predictions of this paper.