Hydrocarbon contamination of the Egyptian Mediterranean coast

The distribution and origin of non‐aromatic hydrocarbons (NAH) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) in sediments and fish tissue from two species were investigated from El‐Max bay of the Mediterranean Sea. UV‐fluorescence spectroscopy was used for the analysis of total hydrocarbons against PH‐Chrysene and also ROPME oil (Kuaite oil). Hydrocarbon compounds were extracted from sediments and fish samples and analyzed by GLC/FID. The NAH concentrations ranged from 4.5 to 10.3 μg/g as dry weight, while the PAH concentrations ranged from 1.2 to 7.3 μg/g as dry weight in sediment. Remarkable variation in concentrations were noted amongst stations. The level of NAH was 104.0 and 570.0 μg/g in Sardina pilchardus ana Sparus auratus, while these values were 69.0 and 409.0 μg/g for PAH, respectively.