The Use of Blade Implants in a Selected Population of Partially Edentulous Adults: A Ten‐Year Report

In order to provide longitudinal data for endosteal bladevent implants, a continuing study is being conducted. The present work evaluated 32 bladevent implants in 22 patients for periods of 10 years or more. Two basic patterns were observed 10 years postoperatively: 1) In 14 of 32 implants, there was clinical and radiographic evidence of health; and 2) in 18 of 32 implants, there was a radiolucency 2 to 3 mm square around the neck and shoulder of the implants, sulcular depths capable of being probed and evidence of bleeding on probing. These results indicate that bladevent endosteal implants can be maintained in the mouth for periods of 10 years, although bony breakdown will be seen in approximately 50% of the implants.