Observations on the time course of wall development at the surface of isolated protoplasts

The formation of cell wall fibres at the surface of isolated leaf protoplasts has been studied by scanning electron microscopy. Fibres are not formed on incubated protoplasts until a lag period has elapsed. This period is about 8 h for leaf protoplasts of Nicotiana tabacum and about 45 h for leaf protoplasts of Antirrhinum majus. In the case of Antirrhinum protoplasts the length of the lag period is dependent on the concentration of osmoticum present during the incubation period. If regenerating protoplasts are briefly treated with dilute cellulase, the newly formed wall is completely digested. Such protoplasts are capable of producing new fibres at the surface within minutes of their return to a nutrient medium. These results are discussed in terms of the likely source of the lag period and its significance in wall regeneration studies.