The Knight shift Ks of nontransition-metal superconductors is discussed in terms of three contributions, namely: (a) The Van Vleck part of the contact shift attributed to the spin-orbit coupling force of the periodic potential which, in the presence of an external magnetic field, causes virtual high-energy rearrangements of conduction electrons near and inside the Fermi surface; (b) that part of the contact shift which is attributed to low-energy rearrangements of conduction electrons and affected by spin-reversing scattering; and (c) the diamagnetic orbital shift. For the calculation of (a), Wannier's theory of a Bloch electron in a magnetic field is generalized to the original Pauli Hamiltonian H0, describing the relativistic dynamical behavior of a conduction electron in the effective periodic potential of the lattice. This leads to an effective Hamiltonian which couples only Bloch-type spinors of the same band index, but of the same and of different spin indices. With the help of the eigenfunctions of H0, the hyperfine contact interaction is treated by perturbation theory. To arrive at simple expressions for the corresponding Knight shift and nuclear spin-relaxation time, valid for arbitrary strength of spin-orbit coupling, the energy-band function in the absence of the field is approximated by a parabola. Formulas for (b) and (c) are taken from the literature. The relative importance of the three contributions to Ks is discussed for Al, Sn, and Hg, where the Knight shift has been observed in the normal and in the superconducting states. If one assumes that spin-reversing scattering is caused merely by spin-orbit interactions at atomic imperfections such as displaced surface atoms of small particles, and not by paramagnetic impurities, one finds that in Al neither of the two spin-orbit coupling effects is sufficiently strong to account for more than ∼2% of the residual shift Ks(0). For the experimental Sn sample, (a) and (b) have the ratio 1:3 and, together with the orbital shift, can account for 23 of the observed Ks(0). For Hg, (a) and (b) are of comparable magnitude at T=0 and together account for more than ½ of the observed shift Ks(0).