The Clinical Diagnosis, Classification and Histogenetic Concepts of the Early Stages of Cutaneous Malignant Melanomas

RECENT data indicate that cutaneous malignant melanomas occur in distinct clinicopathological forms1 2 3 that have been designated as follows: lentigo-maligna melanoma (circumscribed precancerous melanosis of Dubreuilh with malignant melanoma, or Hutchinson's melanotic freckle with malignant melanoma); superficial spreading melanoma (precancerous melanosis, or "pagetoid" melanoma —MeGovern); and nodular melanoma (polypoid melanoma). Each of these kinds of malignant melanoma has a characteristic history of clinical evolution, a distinctive gross appearance (Fig. 1), and distinguishable light-microscope and fine-structure features, which are described below. Survival data for each kind of melanoma in relation to histologic depth of invasion are also discussed.Types of Malignant Melanoma . . .

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