The neural crest is a transient embryonic structure whose cells migrate extensively before giving rise to a variety of differentiated cell types. Both intrinsic cell lineage information and environmental cues are thought to play a role in determining the fate of these cells. Early in development, these cells can be divided into distinct populations based on their axial level of origin. Cranial neural crest cells differentiate into facial cartilage and cranial ganglia, whereas vagal crest cells give rise to the enteric ganglia. Trunk neural crest cells normally give rise to melanocytes, neurons, and glia of the peripheral nervous system and chromaffin cells of the adrenal medulla. Cell lineage studies of premigratory trunk neural crest cells using single cell injection of a vital dye have shown that single cells can give rise to a number of differentiated cell types. A host of extracellular matrix (ECM) molecules have been tested for their ability to support neural crest cell migration in vitro and in vivo. In general, the large glycoproteins (i.e., fibronectin and laminin) can support migration, whereas proteoglycans seem to modulate neural crest cell migration on other ECM molecules. However, no single molecule has been identified as the sole regulator of the complex pattern of neural crest cell migration.