Cytochemical Response to Acoustic Stimuli in the Spiral Ganglion Cells of Guinea Pigs

Three groups of guinea pigs have been exposed to “white” noise stimulation: 90 db for 1 hr, 110 db for 3 hrs and 110 db for 48 hrs, respectively. The animals were sacrificed immediately after the stimulation. Isolated cells from the spiral ganglion were analyzed with respect to cell volume, total dry weight, total RNA content, base composition of the RNA and cytochrome oxidase activity. The spiral ganglion cells have a volume of 3000 μ3. The total dry weight is 400 μμg. The total amount of RNA is 33 μμg. The molar proportions of the purine and pyrimidin bases are: adenine 20.1%, guanine 30.6%, cytosine 27.7% and uracil 21.7%. The cytochrome oxidase activity is 1 × 10-4 μl O2 per hr and cell at 37°C. In contrast to the results of earlier investigations and in spite of the greater accuracy of the methods employed no differences could be established with respect to the measured parameters between stimulated and control animals.