Beiträge zur enzymatischen Histochemie. XIII. Die Enzymverteilung im Schweinemagen als Funktion seines histologischen Aufbaus.

The pepsin, peptidase, and acid content of the cardia, fundus, pylorus, and duodenum of pig were measured at various depths in the stomach wall, by means of micro determinations on frozen microtome sections. By comparing enzymatic and histological data, conclusions as to the function of the various cell types were drawn. Pepsin is found only in the central (chief) cells, and acid only in the parietal cells. A little peptidase (alanyl glycine used as substrate) occurs in the central cells of the fundus and a little in the Brunner cells of the duodenum, but most of the peptidase is found in the "cylinder" cells of the duodenum. There wTas no evidence that stomach peptidase is due to leucocytes. Quantitatively, most pepsin is found in the fundus, but a single pylorus central cell contains 5 times as much pepsin as a fundus central cell. Most acid is found in the fundus.

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