Dominant mutation in mouse cells associated with resistance to Hoechst 33258 dye, but sensitivity to ultraviolet light and DNA base-damaging compounds

A spontaneous derivative of murine Ltk cells has been isolated which has gained a resistance to the cytostatic/lethal effects of high concentrations of Hoechst 33258. The resistant clone HoeR-415 was at least 20-fold more resistant to the dye (D10 dose). HoeR-415 cells have a normal response to X-rays and mitomycin-C and colchicine but were found to show a small sensitivity to UV light, 4NQO, and EMS (1.4, 1.6, and 1.6-fold lower D10 doses, respectively). HoeR-415 cells do not show an increased mutability by EMS. The HoeR phenotype was found to be codominant in hybrids. In order to explain these various characteristics, we suggest that the HoeR-415 mutation may result in an altered topoisomerase activity. Consistent with this we find HoeR-415 cells have an increased sensitivity to novobiocin.