Role of the Testa in Preventing Cellular Rupture During Imbibition of Legume Seeds

Studies with the seeds of soybean, navy bean, pea, and peanut were made to determine the extent of leakage of intracellular enzymes during imbition. Embryos with intact testae from all four species were found to leak detectable activities of either intracellular enzymes of the cytosol (glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase) or enzymes found in both the cytosol and organelles (malate dehydrogenase, glutamate dehydrogenase, glutamate oxaloacetate transaminase, and NADP-isocitrate dehydrogenase) after 6 hours imbition at 25 C. Pea and peanut embryos with testae leaked considerably lower levels of activity for these enzymes than did those of soybean and bean. Leakage of mitochondrial marker enzymes (fumarase, cytochrome c oxidase, and adenylate kinase) was not detected from embryos with testae, suggesting that a differential diffusion of intracellular components out of cells occurred. Soybean and bean embryos without testae leaked high, and proportionally (per cent dry seed basis) similar, levels of all cytosol, cytosol-organelle, and mitochondrial marker enzymes and protein during imbibition, indicating that cell membranes were not differential to leakage and that they had ruptured. Pea and peanut embryos without testae leaked detectable activities of all cytosol and cytosol-organelle enzymes, although fumarase was the only detectable mitochondrial marker enzyme leaked, suggesting that some degree of differential leakage may have occurred in these species. The outermost layers of embryo cells of seeds without testae of all four species absorbed and sequestered the nonpermeating pigment Evan's blue after 5 to 15 minutes imbibition, indicating that membranes had ruptured. This occurred to a much lesser extent in seeds with intact testae. Both soybean and bean embryos without testae were observed to disintegrate during imbibition, whereas those of pea and peanut did not. These data indicate that seeds of certain legumes are susceptible to cellular rupture during imbibition when seed coats are damaged or missing.